The Baby-Sitters Club books were translated into French in France by Gallimard Jeunesse starting in 1997 and running through at least 2003. When the books were re-released starting in 2015, the 90's translations were edited to use less-formal language.
The French translations mostly kept the original American names and cultural references. Exceptions include Dawn Schafer (name changed to Carla), Stacey McGill (name changed to Lucy MacDouglas), Watson Brewer (name changed to Jim Lelland), and Haley Braddock (name changed to Helen). More last names were changed: "Kishi" became "Koshi", "Thomas" became "Parker", "Spier" became "Cook" and "Bruno" became "Rinaldi".
The French translations (both in the original and re-released versions) had unique cover art designed for each book.
Books Translated[]
The books translated for Gallimard Jeunesse go up to at least number #53 and include:
- L'Idée géniale de Kristy
- Claudia et le visiteur Fantôme
- Le Secret de Lucy
- Pas de panique, Mary Anne!
- Carla et les trois monstres
- Un grand jour pour Kristy
- Claudia a des ennuis
- Lucy est amoureuse
- Carla et le passage secret
- Logan aime Mary Anne
- Kristy et les snobs
- La Nouvelle Amie de Claudia
- Au revoir, Lucy!
- Mallory entre en scène
- La revanche de Carla
- Le langage secret de Jessica
- Mary Anne et la malédiction
- L'erreur de Lucy
- Une vengeance pour Claudia
- Kristy et les champions
- Le cauchemar de Mallory
- Les malheurs de Jessica
- Les vacances de Carla
- Le cadeau de Kristy
- Mary Anne cherche son chat
- Adieu Mimi...
- Jessica et la star
- La retour de Lucy
- Mallory et la malle mystérieuse
- Félicitations Mary Anne!
- Une nouvelle sœ pour Carla
- Le défi de Kristy
- D'où viens-tu Claudia?
- Mary Anne et les garçons
- Lucy détective
- La colère de Jessica