Stoneybrook is a small suburban-like coastal town in the state of Connecticut in The Baby-Sitters Club book series by Ann M. Martin. Much of Stoneybrook is modeled after Princeton, New Jersey where the author grew up.
Stoneybrook is the hometown of many of the characters in the books, including the Baby-Sitters Little Sister book series by Ann M. Martin which focuses on Karen Brewer, Kristy Thomas' little stepsister. Stoneybrook was first mentioned in Kristy's Great Idea. It is the setting of all the books and their spin-offs, except for the California Diaries and the Super Specials when they are on vacation.
The zip code for Stoneybrook is 06800; according to The Baby-Sitters Club Secret Santa, it shares with the nearby town of New Hope.
The town has a mayor and town council. Mayor Keane is at the recycling center opening in Dawn Saves the Planet. There is one local newspaper, a radio station, and a downtown area. Stoneybrook is part urban, part country, and the outskirts are rural. The mail is postmarked in Stamford. The people from Stoneybrook are called "Stoneybrookers" in Dawn and the School Spirit War.
Channel 3 is a local channel mentioned in Mallory's Christmas Wish.
In Karen's Ice Skates, the mayor hosts hero-of-the-month where she honors five heroes each month. These are people who do exceptionally good deeds. She gives each person a medal of honor. As of this book there's a town official that will decide when the ice on the pond is safe for ice skating. There will be a red flag if the ice is not safe and a green when it is.
The town square in downtown Stoneybrook is called Palmer Square in Karen's Carnival and Karen's Easter Parade.
There's three neighborhoods described in the books— a ritzy side where the Brewer/Thomas Family and the Papadakis Family lives, an even ritzier side described in Dawn Schafer, Undercover Baby-sitter and Mary Anne and the Library Mystery, and the average side.
Theodore Ellway is a big shot in Stoneybrook. He had made a fortune building houses, and he died a very rich man. He gave a lot of money and land to the town, but many of his gifts had strings attached. For example, he donated a little park, which would only belong to the town for as long as the people in the town agreed to feed the ducks that visited a pond in the park.
Claudia notes that the Stoneybrook Yellow Pages is a slim phone book in Claudia and the Great Search.
The city closest to Stoneybrook is Stamford (which is a real city in Connecticut). It is approximately an hour from New York City by train that goes to Grand Central Station. Stoneybrook is only a few exits away from New York via expressway via I-95. In Abby and the Secret Society, U.S. Route 5 goes through or near Stoneybrook. Several adults in the town commute to Stamford. In Mary Anne and the Zoo Mystery, the town of Bridgeport is mentioned to be nearby, it is the only other real life location in Connecticut to be mentioned in the series.
Hartford is ninety minutes away; it borders the Long Island Sound. If you get up at 5 a.m. you can reach Boston by 12 pm.
The town turns 250 in Graduation Day. There will be a parade and Claudia Kishi has been working on one of the floats.
In Karen's Prize, it's mentioned that Stoneybrook is in Fairfield County, a real county in Connecticut.
Nearby Towns
- Nearby towns include Mercer, Howard Township, and New Hope
- The historic Greenvale is about 30 miles from Stoneybrook
- Chatham is about an hour north of the Stoneybrook and Levittown is mentioned in Mary Anne Saves the Day
- Hadddonfield is mentioned to be nearby in Claudia and the Bad Joke
- Wutherby is mentioned in Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls
- Shelbyville is mentioned in Boy-Crazy Stacey
- Deerfield and Bricktown is mentioned in Karen's Monsters
- In Karen's Unicorn, Ryebrook is a forty-five minute drive away
- Westmoore is mentioned in Graduation Day and nine miles from Stoneybrook
- In Baby-sitters on Board!, Darien, a real town in Connecticut is mentioned to be close by
Stoneybrook was founded in 1791 and was built over ancient burial grounds. In Graduation Day, Claudia mentions that one of the founders is General John Bradshaw. He has a statue in downtown Stoneybrook. It's also noted that they played a role in the American Revolution.
Among the first settlers was Felicity Jane Smith and her family, escaping religious persecution, as mentioned in Mary Anne and the Secret in the Attic. In the book it's also mentioned that Doc Swanson was the first person to by a horseless carriage. The Johanssen Family has an ancestor that is a hat maker. There was also a big blizzard at some point.
During the Civil War, Abigail Grey, a leading abolitionist, and a Quaker has been a resident at the time. She was suspected of being a railroad stationmaster in Abby and the Best Kid Ever.
In Kristy and the Missing Fortune, it's mentioned April 8 1832 Amos Murphy's best cow was stolen. On July 2, 1826 the widow Jones reports that a neighbors hog has destroyed her dahlias. It's later revealed there used to be a movie theatre where the supermarket is now. There used to be a bakery next door to Bellair's. In February 1863 says there was: a cow auction at the Gleeson farm, Mrs. Jacob Smythe, the baker’s wife, has left her home and taken up residence with her sister, Mrs. Matthew Poole, and there was a full moon.
During World War II, Mayor Christopher Armstrong was one of the few men remaining in Stoneybrook because he had a heart problem in Abby and the Secret Society. Mayor Armstrong was not well liked, except by the few people in his favor. He was known, as “a strong-armer,” which meant that he had ways of making people do what he wanted them to do. Pop-Pop Porter also mentioned that he’s heard rumors about the secret society, and that he suspected that Armstrong might have been part of it, Mr. Stanton. The town was mostly ran by women. There are three major war memorials to remember those who died listed by name.
There was a huge storm when the older BSC members were in the first grade that closed down school and left the town without electricity or phones for two days.
In Dawn and the School Spirit War, Mary Anne Spier mentions that there is a long standing rivalry with Howard Township. It goes back to when Richard and Sharon Spier were in high school.
There's a recycling bin by the courthouse mentioned in Dawn Saves the Planet. By the end of the book Dawn Schafer had helped the town get their own recycling center by Stoneybrook Middle School. Estelle Gonzalez is the chair person with Dawn helping her.
It's mentioned that the Brewer Family used to live in Stoneybrook for a long time; the name is mentioned in the first pages of a history of Stoneybrook book. The blizzard of '88 was also mentioned in Stacey and the Mystery of Stoneybrook. The Bradford Court area used to be farmland and woods. In one of the history books of Watson's there's a chapter about the building of the library.
In Snowbound the town is hit by a snow storm and gets 28 inches of snow and a wind chill of -8. The Stoneybrook News writes an article on the weather.
Stoneybrook gets hit twice by a hurricane in Sea City, Here We Come! and Karen's Hurricane.
Local Government
- Stoneybrook Business Bureau
- Stoneybrook Chamber of Commerce
- Stoneybrook Police
- Stoneybrook Town Hall
- Stoneybrook Housing Council
Local News
Local Schools
- Little Friends Day School
- Stoneybrook Elementary School
- Stoneybrook Middle School
- Kelsey Middle School
- Stoneybrook High School
- Stoneybrook Academy
- Stoneybrook Day School
- The Miller School
- Stoneybrook University
- Paulson School
- Kendallwood Farm
- Stoneybrook Day Care Center
- Stoneybrook Dancing School (#15)
- Mr. Peabody's School of Dance and Charm
- Silver Shoes Ballet Studio (LS#89)
- Littlebrook Pre-School (LS#40)
Public Buildings
- Stoneybrook General Hospital
- Stoneybrook Animal Shelter
- Stoneybrook Arts Center
- Stoneybrook Civic Center
- Stoneybrook Community Center
- Stoneybrook Historical Society
- Stoneybrook Public Library
- Stoneybrook Museum
- Stoneybrook Cemetery
- Ambrose's Sawmill
- Arboretum
- Kuller's Gallery
- Stoneybrook Fire Department
- Stoneybrook Ice Arena
- Stoneybrook Crafts Center
Note: This is a list of people that have at least one child.
The Spencers, Gianmarcos, and Dodsons are some of the families that used the Baby-sitters Agency in The Truth About Stacey. The Kelly and Jaydell family were stood up by some of the members of the agency making the BSC look bad.
The Batts Family, Ingram Family, Hicks Family, Olatunji Family are only mentioned in Happy Holidays, Jessi and are several of the African American families in Stoneybrook.
In Beware, Dawn!, Graff, Graham, and Grant all are listed before the Gray Family in the phone book. It's unclear whether these are individuals, families, or couples.
- Abbot Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Abrams Family (daughter mentioned in SS#9)
- Abou-Sabh Family (son mentioned in SS#10)
- Archer Family (daughter mentioned in #50)
- Armstrong Family (daughter mentioned in #108)
- Arnold Family
- Aronson Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Amato Family (son mentioned in FF#10)
- Atkinson Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Avazian Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Bahadurian Family (son mentioned in LS#61)
- Baker Family (daughter mentioned in #70)
- Barken Family
- Barnes Family
- Barrett/DeWitt Family
- Barton Family
- Banks Family
- Bannon Family (child mentioned in LS#54)
- Bates Family (twins mentioned in LS#41)
- Batts Family (#103)
- Batts Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Bauman Family (son mentioned in #38)
- Bedel Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Belkis Family (son mentioned in #51)
- Berk Family (TSM)
- Bernstein
- Bentley Family
- Black Family
- Blanton Family (son mentioned in #106)
- Blaser Family
- Bluesky Family (daughter mentioned in Colman#8)
- Blumberg Family
- Blume Family
- Block Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Bouloukos Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Bouvier Family
- Braddock Family
- Brewer/Thomas
- Brewster Family
- Brooke Family
- Brooks Family (son mentioned in #59)
- Brown Family
- Brown Family
- Brown Family (son mentioned in #38)
- Bruno Family
- Bucknell Family (son mentioned in SS#9)
- Bukowski Family (son mentioned in #70)
- Carson Family (daughter mentioned in Shannon’s Story)
- Carver Family (daughter mentioned in SS#9)
- Cates Family
- Chang Family (son mentioned in Colman#11)
- Cheplin Family
- Chow Family
- Coates Family
- Cohen Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Cole Family (son mentioned LS#53)
- Condos Family (daughter mentioned in #55)
- Cooper Family
- Corn Family (daughter mentioned in #108)
- Craine Family
- Crawford Family (daughter mentioned in LS#57)
- Crosby Family (son mentioned in LS#66)
- Cummings Family (son mentioned in #111)
- Davidson Family (son mentioned in Colman#8)
- Dawes Family
- Deford Family (daughter mentioned in #4)
- DeLonge Family (daughter mentioned in SS#10)
- Dodson Family (#3 and M#19)
- Mari Drabek
- Dvorak Family (daughter first mentioned in Colman#8)
- Elliot Family (daughter mentioned in SS#3)
- Engle Family
- Enell Family (son mentioned in SS#9)
- Epstein Family
- Epstein Family
- Farley Family
- Fazio Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Fein Family (son mentioned in #59)
- Feingold Family (son mentioned in #50)
- Felder Family
- Ferguison Family (children mentioned in #33)
- Ficaro Family (daughter mentioned in #49)
- Fields Family (son mentioned in SS#10)
- Foley Family (daughter first mentioned in LS#5)
- Forbes Family
- Ford Family
- Foster Family
- Fox Family
- Freeman Family
- Fried Family
- Frenning Family
- Gabel Family (son mentioned in #111)
- Gardella Family
- Gallway Family (daughter mentioned in #59)
- Gentile Family
- Gerstenkorn Family (#130)
- Gilbert Family
- Grant Family (son mentioned in Colman#11)
- Grant Family
- Gray Family
- Green Family
- Green Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Greene Family (daughter mentioned in #70)
- Greenberg Family
- Griffin Family
- Griffin Family
- Gianelli Family
- Gianmarcos Family (#3)
- Gustavson Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Hall Family
- Halpern Family (son mentioned in LS#54)
- Hardy Family (daughter mentioned in #46)
- Hanson Family (TSM)
- Harold Family (son mentioned in #59)
- Harding Family
- Harris Family
- Hart Family
- Hastings Family (son mentioned in LS#17)
- Hatt Family
- Hayes Family
- Henderson Family (son mentioned in SS#9)
- Henson Family (son mentioned in SS#3)
- Hewitt Family
- Hicks Family (#103)
- Hill Family
- Hines Family (son mentioned in #44)
- Hirsch Family
- Hirsch
- Hobart Family
- Hoffman Family
- Hoffmeister Family (son mentioned in #39)
- Hopper Family (son mentioned in SS#3)
- Hsu Family
- Jaffe Family
- Jaffery Family (son mentioned in #70)
- Jardin Family (daughter mentioned in Shannon’s Story)
- Jaydell Family (#3)
- Jefferson Family
- Jensen Family
- Johanssen Family
- Johnson Family
- Johnson Family
- Johnson Family (son mentioned in #59)
- Johnson Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Jorgensen Family (daughter mentioned in #106)
- Judson Family (son mentioned in #106)
- Karp Family
- Kelly Family (#3)
- Kennedy Family (daughter mentioned in Logan Bruno, Boy Baby-sitter)
- Kirkland Family (daughter mentioned in SS#3)
- Kilbourne Family
- Kim Family
- King Family (son mentioned in #113)
- King Family
- Kingsley Family (daughter mentioned in Graduation Day)
- Kishi Family
- Klein Family (son mentioned in #113)
- Kline Family (daughter mentioned in #106)
- Korman Family
- Kosinski (daughter mentioned in #110)
- Kuhn Family
- Kurtzman Family
- Lamar Family
- Lasher Family (daughter mentioned in #101)
- Lazer Family
- Ledbetter Family (daughter mentioned in #33)
- Leib Family (daughter mentioned in #106)
- Lewis Family (son mentioned in LS#57)
- Loesser Family
- Long Family
- Lopez Family (daughter mentioned in #70)
- Lowell Family
- Luongo Family (daughter mentioned in #113)
- MacGregor Family
- Mannheim
- Mara Family (son mentioned in #59)
- Malek (son mentioned in Logan Bruno, Boy Baby-sitter)
- Marsden Family (son mentioned in SS#3)
- Marshall Family
- Martin Family (daughter mentioned in #65)
- Martinez Family
- Martinez Family
- Mason Family (daughter mentioned in #47)
- Mason Family
- Mauricio Family
- McConville Family (son mentioned in #70)
- McGill Family
- McNally Family
- McManiman Family (daughter mentioned in #7)
- McManus Family (daughter mentioned in SS#3)
- McRae Family (daughter mentioned in #12)
- Miller Family (#39)
- Milton Family (daughter mentioned in SS#9)
- Mitsuhashi Family (son mentioned in SS#7)
- Morgan Family (in #10)
- Morris Family
- Morris Family (at least two daughters mentioned in #3)
- Moss Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Munson Family (daughter mentioned in SS#10)
- Nelson Family (daughter mentioned in #108)
- Newbern Family (daughter shown in M #24)
- Newton Family
- Nicholas Family (son mentioned in #49)
- Nofziger Family (daughter mentioned in SS#10)
- Nolan Family (son mentioned in Logan's Story)
- O'Connell Family (son mentioned in in #75)
- Ohdner Family
- Olatunji Family (#103)
- Olssen Family (son mentioned in #38)
- O'Neal Family
- Ott Family (son mentioned in #39)
- Owen Family (son mentioned in SS#10)
- Papadakis Family
- Pape Family (daughter mentioned in #39)
- Pappas Family
- Parker Family
- Perkins Family
- Perone Family
- Peterson Family (son mentioned in #101)
- Pinckney Family (sons SS#10)
- Pitchard Family (daughter mentioned in #38)
- Pike Family
- Poirer Family
- Prezzioso Family
- Price Family
- Rademacher Family (son mentioned in #75)
- Ramsey Family
- Randazzo Family (son mentioned in Logan's Story)
- Redmond Family (daughter mentioned in #70)
- Reinhardt Family (daughter mentioned in #44)
- Retlin Family
- Reuban Family
- Reynolds Family (daughter mentioned in #44)
- Rice Family (son mentioned in LS#66)
- Rivers Family (daughter mentioned in Colman#8)
- Rivers Family (Karen's Mystery)
- Riverson Family
- Robbins Family (son mentioned in M#24)
- Robinson Family
- Roberts Family
- Roberts Family (daughter mentioned in #19)
- Rodowsky Family
- Rogers Family (daughter mentioned in #44)
- Rosen Family (son mentioned in in #75)
- Ryan Family (son mentioned in #101)
- Salem Family
- Sandbourne Family
- Schermerhorn Family (son mentioned in #10)
- Seegal (daughter mentioned in LS#57)
- Semple Family (daughter mentioned in #75)
- Shaller Family
- Shea Family
- Sherwood Family
- Shillaber Family
- Shore Family
- Simon Family
- Smith Family (daughter mentioned in (LS#53)
- Spencer Family (#3)
- Sidney Family
- Sobak Family
- Somerset Family (son mentioned in SS#3)
- Spelling Family (child mentioned in LS#54)
- Sperling Family (daughter mentioned in in #75)
- Spier/Schafer Family
- Springer Family
- Stanton-Cha Family
- Stern Family (daughter mentioned in #71)
- Stillman Family (son mentioned in Logan's Story)
- Stuckey Family (son mentioned in #44)
- Stevenson Family
- Swinhart Family
- Szilagyi Family (daughter mentioned in SS#9)
- Taylor Family
- Taylor Family
- Tibbets Family (son mentioned in #106)
- Tines Family (daughter mentioned in SS#3)
- Toce Family (daughter mentioned in #60)
- Torrance Family (son mentioned in #50)
- Torres Family
- Turnbull Family (son mentioned in Logan's Story)
- Valentine Family (daughter mentioned in #38)
- Yuan Family (son mentioned in LS#53)
- Wallingford Family
- Washburn Family (daughter mentioned in Colman#3)
- Waters Family (daughter mentioned in Colman#11)
- Weller Family (daughter mentioned in #70)
- Weinstein Family (son mentioned in #106)
- Werner Family (daughter mentioned in #39)
- White Family
- White Family (daughter mentioned in SS#3)
- Wilder Family
- Williams Family (M#23)
- Willis Family (#2)
- Winslow Family (#39)
- Wright Family (daughter mentioned in M#27)
- Wyeth Family
Individuals and Couples
- Goldman Family
- Henrietta Hayes
- Mancusi Family
- Stone Family
- Tabitha Porter (Morbidda Destiny)
- Drucker Family
- McKeever Family
- Miss Donovan
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry (LS#121)
- Merry Perkins
Temporary Residents
Former Residents
- Addison Family
- Delaney Family
- Hoyt Family
- Jessups (LS#65)
- O'Malley Family (#113)
Hotels & Other Lodging Facilities
Local Businesses
- DT Developers
- Mason and Co (#5)
- Metro-Works
- Thompson, Thompson, & Abrams (#5)
- Tile Corp (#19)
- World Tours Inc.
- Stoneybrook Cinema
- Movie Theatre
- Embassy Theater (in #6)
Other Seth Engle owns his own carpentry business, however, it has never been named within the series.
- Ace Repair, Co.
- A.E. Conklin Locksmith and Hardware (LS#89)
- Bloomers
- Bohren's Movers
- DewDrop Hair Care (#15)
- Ellway's Kennell (M#13)
- Frank's Barber Shop (#60)
- Fitness Faze Health Club (#88)
- Gloriana's House of Hair
- Hair Fair (LS#57)
- Hurley's Garage
- Love Bundles
- McBuzz's Mail Order
- Mr. Kelly's Toy Repair
- Mr. Storks Diapers
- Petersons' Nurseries
- Pierre's Dry Cleaners (M#24)
- Rockaway and Sons
- Sylphide Models
- Pet Time (Colman7)
- The Swinging Monkey's Gym (LS#118)
- Argo Diner
- Burger Town
- Burger Bite
- Cabbages and Kings
- Chez Maurice
- Chicken Wings
- Donut Express
- Five Happiness (LS#98)
- Good Time Charley's
- Hoagie Heaven
- McDonald's (LS #15)
- Pietros
- Pizza Express
- Pizza-To-Go (#78)
- Pizza Pan (SS#3)
- Renwick's
- Rosebud Cafe
- Sullivan's Sweets (mentioned in LS#18)
- Thelma's Cafe
- Tofu Express (#86)
- Tokyo House
- Uncle Ed's
In Karen's Swim Meet, a new sports is opened by Ron Carson.
- Art's
- Baby and Company
- Bellair's
- Book Barn (LSSS#1)
- Book Nook (LSSS#1)
- Connecticut Bank & Trust (#21)
- The Connecticut Yankee Gift Shop
- Cost-Club
- Davis Diapers
- Dime Store
- Fur 'N' Feathers
- Greetings
- Happy Halloween (seasonal in LS#54)
- In Good Taste
- Jugtown
- King Kone's
- Madame Drew's Dress Store (|LS#28)
- Merry-Go-Round
- Mrs. Moody's Kite Store
- Nikki's Knickknack Shack
- Noah's Ark Pet Store
- Office Supply Store (M#10)
- Paper House (LS#112)
- Pembroke's Party Store
- Peter Rabbit (LSSS#1)
- Phil's Sporting Goods Shop
- Poe and Co.
- Polly's Fine Candy
- Sew Fine
- Sound Ideas
- Sportworld (#107)
- Stan's Souvenirs (LS#74)
- Stationary Store (M#10)
- Stoneybrook Jeweler
- Stoneybrook Megavideo
- Stoneybrook Thrift Shop
- Surf and Sail
- Talbots
- Ted's Tools
- Toy City
- Toy Chest
- Unicorn Toy Store
- Village Bakery
- Whatley’s
- Zingy's
- Zuzu's Petals
- Elm Street Church
- First Congregational Church
- First Methodist Church
- Unnamed Synagogue (TSM)
Civic Organizations/Clubs
- Audubon Society
- The Greenbrook Club
- Stoneybrook Gardeners Club
- Stoneybrook Humane Society
- Stoneybrook Rotary Club
- Stoneybrook Women's Club
- Stoneybrook YMCA
Parks and Playgrounds
Other Places
Note: Other Businesses that do not have names listed include a cab service that's used in Mallory Pike, No. 1 Fan. There is a bowling ally that is shown in Mary Anne and Camp BSC. There's an unnamed miniature store mentioned in Kristy and the Mother's Day Surprise.
- Old Fairgrounds
- Stoneybrook Lighthouse
- Stoneybrook Manor
- Stoneybrook Women's Shelter
- Train Station
- Fun City Amusement Park
- Bowled Over
- Stoneybrook MiniPutt Kingdom
Note: there's a private road near the Brewer residence that's mentioned in Kristy and the Cat Burglar.
- Acorn Place (#94)
- Atlantic Avenue
- Birch Street (#25)
- Bissell Lane (#10)
- Beech Street
- Bertrand Drive
- Bradford Court
- Burnt Hill Road
- Centennial Avenue
- Chestnut Drive
- Cherry Valley Road
- Dodds Lane (#25)
- Edgerstoune Dr.
- Elm Street
- Fawcett Avenue
- Forest Drive
- Green House Drive (#10)
- Haslet Avenue (#10)
- High Street
- Hyslip Street (LS#113)
- Kimball Street
- Kemp Avenue
- Komorn Road
- Locust Street (#49)
- Main Street
- Morgan Road
- McClelland (SM#4)
- McLelland Road
- Oak Street
- Ober Road (#10)
- Old Stoney Point Hollow
- Quentin Court
- Reade Street (LS#35)
- Reilly Lane
- Rockville Court
- Roper Road (#3)
- Rose Court (#71)
- Rosedale Road
- Shore Drive
- Slate Street
- Spring Street
- Stoneybrook Boulevard
- Taylor Street
Local Events
- Little Miss Stoneybrook Pageant
- Sudsy's Carnival
- Run for Your Money
- Heritage Day
- St. Patrick's Day Parade
- Baby Day Parade
- Firefighters' Fair
- Fall Frolic Festival (in #100)
- Stoneybrook Ten-Kilometer Road Race (mentioned in LS#105)
- Stoneybrook Health Fair
- Stoneybrook Easter Egg Hunt (LS#120)
- Stoneybrook Easter Parade (LS#120)
- St. Patrick's Day Parade (LS#59)
- Memorial Day Parade (LS#18)
- Stoneybrook Halloween Party (LS#32)
- Winter Carnival (LS#94)
- Celebrate America (SM#1)
- In Jessi's Big Break, Jessi mentions that most of the shops close at 9.
- There is a strip mall downtown.
- In Claudia and the Terrible Truth, Erica mentions that there is a fund to help victims of abuse.
- Property values are going up in Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost. Natalie Barrett admits that Stoneybrook is an expensive place to live in Dawn and the School Spirit War.
- There is an animal emergency clinic and people call them about lost pets in Claudia and the Mystery in the Painting,
- In Mary Anne + 2 Many Babies two bedroom apartments can be from 800 to 2,000 dollars a month.
- There's a new sewage plant plan in Kristy and the Baby Parade.
- A diabetes clinic is going to open in Jessi's Wish. They already had volunteers and people to sign up when it does open. Miss Arnell is the director.
- There's a coffee shop near the movie theater in Dawn's Big Date.
- Mr. Gates is a barber mentioned in Hello, Mallory and in Kristy's Big Day. Mr. Pratt is mentioned to be another in the former.
- There's a welcome woman that comes around when new people move in mentioned in Hello, Mallory.
- Dr. Johanssen mentions that there's a children's clinic, but it's unclear whether it's part of the hospital or not in Logan Likes Mary Anne!.
- The Murphy's were mentioned in Dawn and the Impossible Three, but it's unknown if they have children or not.
- A row of townhouses were added a couple of blocks away from Forest Drive in Karen's Toys.
- The power company sends out a meter reader in Shannon’s Story.
- The electric company building is located in downtown Stoneybrook in Stacey and the Mystery at the Empty House.
- The phone company building is located in downtown Stoneybrook in Abby and the Notorious Neighbor.
- In Karen's Ducklings, Carnegie Park is mentioned to be just outside of Stoneybrook. It has a small lake inside the park.
- Henrietta Hayes is the only juvenile author that lives in Stoneybrook although there are a few picture book illustrators as mentioned by Rioko Kishi in Mallory Pike, No. 1 Fan.
- New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey have real life towns that were named as places close to Stoneybrook, whether intentional or not. These include:
- Ryebrook is a real place in New York
- Bricktown (Brick Township), Deerfield (Deerfield Township), Levittown, Haddonfield, and Mercer are all in New Jersey
- Chatham is a real place in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey
- Greenvale is a real place in New York and New Jersey.
- Bridgeport and Stamford in Connecticut
- Claudia calls Stoneybrook a small town where word travels fast in Claudia and the Sad Good-bye.
- In Karen's Cowboy, Karen mentions that the part of Connecticut she live has big hills.
- It is against the law in Stoneybrook to burn leaves and everyone has to put their leaves out for compost for the parks department in Baby-sitters Beware.
- The town used to be spelled "Stoneybrooke" in the 19th century, it's unclear when the 'e' was dropped.