The Baby-Sitters Club Wiki
The Baby-Sitters Club Wiki

Hi! It's me, CoolPeep2000. I decided to write a very silly fanfic, which is recommended for people with a sense of humor. Otherwise, you might think it's dumb and offensive.   Anyway, here goes. 



Characters: Claudia, Stacey, Jessi, Mallory, Kristy, Dawn, Mary Anne

Setting: Claudia's room

Time: Monday, 5:25, almost time for a BSC meeting (By the way, this is set in 2020, not the '80s and '90s)

Kristy: Everyone's here...except Claudia.

Mary Anne: That's weird.

Jessi: It's her house.

Claudia (Barges in): Hi! Sorry I wasn't here. I was just getting my bangle braclets.

(Kristy raises an eyebrow)

Claudia: Wanna see?

(Claudia outstreches her arm. Everyone looks. On her arm are about 40 silver bangle braclets.)

Dawn: That's a lot of bangle braclets. 

Claudia: Yup. 

(As she walks towards the bed, Claudia trips on a piece of paper that was lying on the ground. Her bangles fall off)

Kristy (Picking up the "bangles"): Heeeyyy, these aren't bangles. It's a slinky!

Mallory: That explains why there were so many!

Jessi: Where did you get it, Claud?

Stacey: Maybe she got it from one of the kids she was sitting for. 

Claudia: Ummm, no. I got it from Japan.

Mary Anne: Japan?!

Claudia: Yeah, cause bangles come from India.

Stacey: Umm...first you were talking about Japan. Now you're talkin about India.

Dawn: Which one is it??

Claudia: None. You see, it's from a place on the border that Japan and India share. It 's called Jindia.

Mallory: Japan and India don't share a border.

Claudia: You guys are such SMARTY-PANTS!

(Just then, the phone rings. Kristy had forgotten to call the meeting to order.)

Kristy (Picks up the phone): Hello, Babysitters Club!

Stacey takes out the manilla envolope with the money inside, since its Dues Day. Mary Anne pulls out the record book. Mal starts writing in the Notebook. And Claudia start rummaging under her bed for snacks. Everything is forgotten. Now, it's just your typical BSC meeting.

Thats it! I hope you enjoyed. I'll write more like this if you did. Bye y'al!

                                    CoolPeep out
